Sunday, August 30, 2009

stomach in knots!

I don't know if you ever really can tell what causes your stomach to be in knots. I woke early this morning not knowing if it was nerves, excitement, anxiousness? All of it...?!

Mike left this afternoon for Youngstown, OH on his first venture being one of those white-coated-nervous-looking-students who accidentally poke you when they are trying to look in your eyes; or ask you the same questions the nurse already asked you with the answers glaring at them from the chart in front of them; or who won't just lay your baby down when she keeps trying to crawl away because she isn't sure she is allowed... Yes! One of those young looking kids who can't POSSIBLY be old enough to diagnose your issues, but the Dr. asked permission for a student to see you, so he must know that the student is under control! Why not! Bring on the student! Give him the experience he needs to make it in the medical world! :D

His day begins bright and early and he settled in nicely tonight. His new home is cozy, though has its quirks to be remedied...he said it isn't yet stabilized, so he feels a little like he's on a boat and since the only reception he could maintain on the cell phone was when it was sitting in front of him on the table, he kept having to bring it back from its inclination to slide down the, decline-ation?!

He sounds settled and that is important! We're so excited to see what God is going to do this year... :D

The kids and I, of course, miss him already, but keeping it into perspective, it is such a small amount of time to be patient in the grand scheme of things. A drop in the bucket.

The boys, in particular (along with mom) were the only ones to choke back a tear or two. Micaiah tends toward an independence which cries, "Can I go...?" at any spare moment, so I didn't suspect any breakdown! Elias, composed, with his eyes welling up slightly said, "I just...wish dad could stay for another month..." (BREAKING Mommy's HEART!) and Toben in his own huffy sadness laid claim to the felt indignation at Daddy's leaving. Miah is in her own little world, though she is a Daddy's girl...these next days will tell, but I am trusting the peace we feel now will continue as we experience the fruit of your prayers!

We are so blessed beyond words by the gifts and the help and the child-watching and the truly is a beautiful thing to see the Body come together in these times...even if it is just a prayer on our behalf...

Thank you all and we'll keep you updated!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Some mental pictures in the mean time...

Well, I have been wanting to put up some pictures, but Mike has most on his computer and am still learning which cords I need to post them, so, in the mean time, I'll give you some mental pictures!

We are really enjoying being in our new place! It is a large one-bedroom with almost as much living space as we had in our house! The kids share the bedroom and it is working out very well! I love my little room (not so little), complete with a bed, kitchen, walk-in-closet, table and door! I say mine only because it will primarily only house me!

Mike leaves this Sunday afternoon for Youngstown, OH for his first clinical rotation. He will be staying with family of close friends who have a camper in their driveway. They have graciously welcomed him to stay in it for the month he is there for his Family Practice rotation! (Thank You!)

We brought in the car we were expecting Mike to be taking for a tune-up/check-up! We knew it had a few things that would need to be fixed, but when we got the list that would total over $2000, we prayed about it and sought some advice and decided not to keep that car. We had heard of a car (through those same family friends who got Mike in touch with a place in Youngstown) that would be a good fit for our budget and with some gracious help from some friends towards it ( ;) Thank You!), we bought, registered and insured it yesterday! Two days before he needs to leave! So, we are new owners of a 1995 blue Subaru Legacy! We will be selling our Roadmaster and were told that the engine alone is worth $1000, so we are hoping to get at least that. It is older and again, needs $2000 worth of work, but hoping we can recoup some! Please be praying for all of that!

I have been putting off going full force into homeschool mode until Mike leaves, but I'd appreciate any prayer and encouragement in that department! I wish, to a degree, that we had a Montessori school or something non-traditional like it around, but for now, with life up in the air, we are continuing this route...

Of the blessings we are thankful for: this home and the others who reside here :) (the kids are having a blast playing with others their ages); the beautiful view we wake up and go to sleep looking out to; the provision need-by-need; the car; the free storage for our belongings; the people who have invested in us and this dream; the fact that we have less than a year to go!

There are certainly many more, including being thankful for when the Dutton's house sells (we trust it will be quickly!). There is an open house this weekend and I pray there are some good bites!

Beautiful views, blue cars and smiles on our faces for the peace we have in this time I hope will suffice for the mental pictures! Lol!

Blessings to all!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A place to lay our heads...

So, we've made a few decisions in the past few days, which have all of us feeling a little less unsure...

We are moving into an in-law apartment of our friends, the Schans'! They have a very large one bedroom in-law with a full kitchen and bath. Since it will mostly be Jenna and the kids, the kids will have the bedroom and I will have the large-doored kitchen that has room for a bed AND table (it is large, too)...the family room will be great and it has a walkout basement to another huge perk-the backyard! :D It is probably about 5 times bigger than our current one, so the kids will be thrilled PLUS they have three kids around our kids ages! It should prove to be a busy house, but we're all excited and have a huge peace about being near "family" (of the church-ish kind ;)) and I'm fairly certain Mike feels very thankful knowing that we'll be looked out for! There are actually three families right on that street that attend Citychurch, so... Yeah!!! We have decided to say that we will be there until at least Christmas-time and then play it by ear!

A few people have made mention of wanting to help support us this upcoming year and we are so thankful and humbled that God has seen fit to bless us with all of you...

All of the pieces of this puzzle are coming together slowly but surely!

God is good and faithful and we are loving being able to see it all come together in ways we can only say are beyond us...

A friend of mine a few months back in the throes of uncertainty and my 'Abraham's Sarah' complex (wanting to fix it all and come up with a solution because I thought God didn't know what He was doing and must need my help) said very bluntly, "This is not something you can do...this is so much bigger than you! Only God can do this. You have done everything you could possibly think of to make it happen. Now it is time to trust Him with what you don't know."

I am glad to be in the company of such friends that can speak to my heart in ways that I need to hear... :D

Mike is getting excited at the thought of being able to 'do' stuff, medically and not just learn about it. He has just three weeks left until school starts and leaves for his first rotation August 30th!

We have this next week or two to move and get settled and finish the projects on the house and we will officially say goodbye t this wonderful home, with prayers that it sells quickly in this tough market. Thankfully, it is a beautiful one with many charms that are sure to grab the attention of homebuyers!

Blessings to all and we'll keep you informed!