Monday, March 29, 2010

Yes, No and Maybe!

Yes: We are here and surviving and doing well! It is nice to have breaks of time that we can look forward to the 'next' thing. Between rotations, Holidays and weekends, we have plenty of things to 'look forward' to! We are halfway through Rotation #5-Towanda!

N0: We do NOT know where we will be for his last two rotations. We were HOPING for AZ, which seemed to be a perfect set-up, however, in spite of all of the legalities going through, no Doctors were willing to take students. Their reasoning is that they are 'too busy.' Anyone who knows my husband knows that that concept doesn't exist. He THRIVES in busy-ness and chaos, so he was disappointed and I was as well, but keep coming back to the fact that God knows what I don't. He knows where we need to be and as we've been praying for each of these experiences, we trust that God has answered those prayers and the blessing has been not having to say goodbye for a month at a time! While it would have been nice to travel and/or be near family, that doesn't seem to be the way it is going, sooo...we press on.

Maybe: We MAY still wind up in AZ for a rotation if one pulls through, but it is doubtful. We MAY still wind up living in AZ...or CO, or Montana, or...who knows?! Here?! They have recently discovered that this area is NOT what they thought-it is NOT the largest find in the country, but NOW believe it to be the largest natural gas/oil find in The WORLD... We have often talked about staying in PA and Mike has been in contact with some people about some new URGI centers up North, but...we do not know. Only God does and we're okay with that.

Time is nearing an end. My countdown has begun! August 7, 2010 is rapidly approaching, despite the feeling of time coming to a slow... ;) I know Mike is especially ready to come home to us every night and we are eager to begin a new chapter while trying to treasure the joys of this one. It has been a hard season and I am glad for the challenges it has brought and the growth as well!

Blessings to all and we'll let you know when we know anything...or not! ;)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010 more ways than one... :)

Can I just say that I LOVE Pennsylvania...I LOVE the beautiful rolling hills and the way Spring erupts out of nowhere with crocuses and buds of irises! Can you tell we've been outside today?! It was so nice to put on a tee-shirt and kick off my sandals and feel the warmth of the grass. I suppose that the reality that this may no longer be home in a few months has me seeing everything a little differently. Will we have this where we're going? Will I be able to have a garden? Will we get to enjoy the smell after rain?

Nothing is set in stone, but for those of you who ARE wondering what August will bring, we are very seriously considering Arizona. NOT Phoenix area, where [Jenna's] family is, but a little more in the mountains where we'll have more sunshine, but less rain. More warmth, less snow. More space, less people. We have spent a lot of time and energy really praying about where we should 'land' and are looking at things practically as well.

One neat thing that has come up is that Mike may have his last two rotations in the Phoenix area, which means the whole family would go and stay with [Jenna's] family. It is kind of a God-thing that it is even possible. One more way that God has shown His faithfulness in times that seem so uncertain. Mike was told they would not be able to get any more rotations squared away than those already set, so the likelihood that he would even get one in AZ was no longer a possibility. We were disappointed, but God has known much more amazingly what we needed this year than we have, so we trusted that there was a reason. Well, at the last minute, he and another student who has family down in AZ were given the green light to FIND someone that would take them. Like, THAT DAY and they would proceed with all of the paperwork and legalities that makes it complicated. Mike called several places and got in touch with someone who directed him to an ER hiring service for 23 states. They work with 3 hospitals in the Phoenix area and she was SO excited at the possibility of working with students and having a new way of getting in touch with potential hires that she sent the information and Mike's school responded promptly and within 20 minutes, it was exchanged! She had a meeting with her higher-ups the following week and Mike spoke with his school and everything is in the works (which means the company gave it a go!). There is always room for changes, but we are encouraged that God has opened this door. Not only will we be able to spend time with family, but we will be able to really scout out where we are hoping to live! And it will give Mike more of an opportunity to interview and get a sense for what he really wants to do.

All that to say, his 8th rotation begins mid-May and, barring any changes, we will be heading West then! We will stay there until his rotations are finished and head back to PA to 'move', party and graduate and say goodbye to our precious friends here in PA. We are so blessed to have been here. It has been one of my most favorite times of life, though it has had its challenges! ;)

Mike finishes his 5th rotation this week. We are on the home-stretch and I am just SO thrilled. I am NOT thrilled that he will have another long two rotations away from home, BUT we can do it two more months. We've done it this long! Please pray with us for the kids in all of these transitions. It is hardest on them (and Jenna) as Daddy weekly comes in and out and we have to adjust either way...they understand as best as they can, but it isn't easy. We're hoping for lots of distractions in these next months until we can all be together! We're hoping one of those is a trip to visit Mike's family in North Carolina! :)

We hope this finds you all well! Blessings and HAPPY SPRING!!!