Friday, July 23, 2010

Roanoke, VA it is! :D

Well, since I last posted, Mike received an offer from the hospital system in VA! We accepted and his approximate start date is around Thanksgiving. What a Thanksgiving it will be!!! :D He will be working in a Level 1 Trauma Center in their Emergency Department; mostly Urgent Care, Pediatric Urgent Care and Chest Pain Centers.

It is so amazing how all of this has come about. We are so amazed to sit back and see God's hand not only in this particular circumstance, but throughout the last 4 years. It is interesting that Virginia was not even on our radar in terms of places we were looking to live. We have known we would like to be closer to family. We've known Mike REALLY wanted an ER job. We've known we love it here in Williamsport and that that didn't pan out (because God had other plans!). So, this move will be bittersweet. We will dearly miss this place and the people who have become family to us. We will miss our church and all of those who have supported us through these trying years. We will miss the beauty of the landscape; rivers, rolling hills, green everything, and the beauty of the Fall. And yes...Wegmans.

But here is what we look forward to. Getting paid. :) Just kidding. Kind of. We look forward to being 4 1/2 hours from Mike's family (in NC). We look forward to being near dear friends. We look forward to Mike having a job that challenges him in every way! We look forward to finding a new church home (and already have a few scoped out). We look forward to raising our kids in another beautiful area (near the Blue Ridge Mtns.). We look forward to eventually getting some land and some livestock and building a big ol' garden. We look forward to making a home. We look forward to the hopes of you, our friends and family, coming to visit!!! Please know our door is always open-not to be confused with unlocked!

No words or amount of explanations could express the gratitude we feel toward those of you who have supported us in any way...even cheering us on when we were ready to say, 'Enough!' You all mean so much to us. We pray one day we can give back in all of those ways... :)

Thank you all for the love and congratulations! :)

OH, and lest I forget to blog it, Mike just received word from Penn College that he is the recipient of the Board of Directors' Award for achievement in exceptional circumstances! :) I (Jenna) can honestly say I am so grateful that they have recognized his achievement in our exceptional circumstances! ;)

Monday, July 19, 2010


Well, I have been wanting and waiting to update when I felt like we had some solid plans, however, we're still waiting to know what those will be! SO, since everyone has been asking and since we have only ideas, but no definite plans, I thought I would take a few moments to say a few things about this past year.

For those of you who have been following this journey of ours, you know it has been a challenging one. It has had ups and downs; we've made so many decisions--some good, some bad; we've felt sure and unsure; but above all, we have been SO blessed. I can't tell you how many times I sit back and think about the generosity of strangers, old friends, family...we can say without reservation that we couldn't have gotten through this year without you. We have walked out faith like never before in trusting that God would provide in His timing what we need through various places. We long to be able to bless others abundantly more than we have been blessed and that is a whole lot!

We have been counting down to graduation for months...MONTHS! Well, technically 4 years! And I am so happy to say that graduation is in two and a half weeks! No, it hasn't sunk in. I think it would help if we knew for certain where we will be, but we are still waiting on answers! :)

We will certainly keep you updated as we know anything. We're awaiting word from a few places and even then, he still has to take his National Certification Exam. Many places make you wait, even though hired, up to four months after you pass to get all of the credentials, insurance and red tape squared away before you are allowed to work, so...again. We would love to know where we'll be as soon as possible to begin planning. Though, us and planning doesn't always seem to work out. We can want to, hope to, PLAN to, and we still seem to be at the mercy of God's timing! :) We cannot complain, though, as He always knows best.

I cannot tell you how I look forward to sharing more when we know things more solidly! :D