Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Giving Thanks in ALL Situations

...we are learning a lot about that! :)

In the last post, for those of you who follow, we last heard that AZ may or may not happen. Well, Rotation number 8 has begun...in Pennsylvania! Jen and the kids are down in NC for about a month visiting Mike's family. Mike's sister is eagerly awaiting the return of her husband from Afghanistan in mid-June and ALSO eagerly awaiting the birth of their little girl-within the same week! :) (They may or may not stay in NC, depending on if it is a help or hindrance!)

Mike began his Orthopedic rotation yesterday and thinks he is going to enjoy it. He is only about an hour from 'home' so, if we do head back up, the likelihood we would see him more often is great. He is staying with a friend from school for the weeks he is there, so that is nice, too! (Thanks, Steve!)

He has been presented with a couple possibilities, for jobs, that we are praying about and will let you know if we settle on anything, but for now...they're all viable options! ;) He has had a couple interviews with one place and it really will come down to which kind of PA they are looking for, as the two they re-interviewed would both be great additions!

It is hard to believe we have only about 10 weeks to go until graduation. Truly, this year has gone by so quickly.

Reflecting, I can't thank those of you who have invested in us (with your time, energy, encouragement, generosity and love) enough. This truly has been a faith-walk and God has seen us through and blessed us along the way with family and friends.

I've been reflecting on James lately. He says in it to "consider it pure joy whenever [we] face trials of many kinds because it develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so [we] may be mature, complete, not lacking anything." I don't know if I can consider the 'scary' times when we didn't know where we were going to live...how we were going to pay a bill...when we said goodbye to Mike week, after week, after week PURE JOY. It felt like something else, but how we have grown in the times that I can look back and visibly SEE how blessed we've been this year. And that IS joy so that as we go through hard times...when we know we're being asked to do things so much bigger than 'us', we can know in every way that we CAN be JOYFUL knowing that God makes ALL things possible.

We sit and wonder what the next years will bring. Where will we be? Who will we come into contact with? How can we bless others in the same way we've been blessed? We long to make an impact in the world...

So, as we head toward the end, Mike will finish his Ortho rotation and begin his VERY LAST rotation. In Williamsport. As of June 23rd, we will no longer have to say goodbye to 'daddy' for a week at a time...at least not for school! :) In the future, it may be for other reasons, but prayerfully better ones...it is a means to an end and it will all be worth it!

Love and thanks to all of you who've joined us for the journey!

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