Friday, October 15, 2010

Almost there...

These past months have been stressful. I know many of you have been wondering where we are, what we're up to, when we'll finally be settled, etc. Well, we're temporarily in NC, we're biding our time until Mike begins work (October 25th), and as far as being settled? ...I don't know that we will ever be settled! I have an inkling our lives will continue to be somewhat nomadic, though I may be wrong!

These past months have been filled with the ominous waiting. Waiting for paperwork, finances to pay for licensing, waiting to finally be 'home' somewhere and feel like we can begin again and gain some normalcy. That will happen. Of that I'm sure. We do not know yet WHEN that will happen. It will be a few weeks of Mike traveling, once again, working his new job and trying to find a place to live. Thankfully, he'll be staying with friends! :) I marvel at God's goodness in provision, whether it is the way we 'want' it to be or not. He is always faithful. And we'll get there. Even if it takes another month or two. ;)

We'll keep you posted. In the mean time, we're busy with school, cleaning, and waiting! Just trying to enjoy this last week with Mike before we're once again in transition mode. I think this has been hardest on the kids in that regard. Or...maybe me - in that it is emotional and hard on them which is emotional for me and hard on me, too.

On that note, I need to get some dishes put away and cuddle some munchkins!


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