Friday, July 17, 2009

All in a Days Work...

We are starting to get the house in order to sell and I thought I would share our amusements for the day...
My sister-in-law, Megan, got in Wednesday night to lend a hand. We woke on Thursday with a list a mile long to get done before the realtor came at that evening at 5:30. Miah was up at 5:45 and my other little munchkins we're awake about 6:15. We got to sleep after 12 for, I think, the third night in a row...
We got up and got to work on the upstairs bedrooms, straightening and dusting, etc. Well, I mistakenly traveled upstairs thinking Miah would be okay for a moment. She got into some food...enough that I figured I would just put her in the tub. I then got word of Toben's accident...not the easy kind...he got a bath, also.
I had to chuckle as I watched my sister-in-law try to put all of the toys away as she had 2 and sometimes 3 kids taking stuff out and the mess seemed to be getting worse instead of better! So she took them down while I was working on something is all a blur!
We cleaned the upstairs. Micaiah and Jenna are in a wedding next weekend, so we had to head to get our dresses hemmed, so while I was gone, my sister-in-law watched the rest of the kids...Miah was napping, or so we thought. She got some things painted and touched of the many little projects we have going. I call her on our way home only to hear of...hmmm...tastefully, creative bathroom solutions. Let's just say, it required some carpet cleaning and Miah having yet another bath. A friend came over to help with a little laundry and we got a bunch done. Megan was trying to occupy them so at one point they painted and, well, Toben went in the bath again.
Megan and I both realized that the kids being IN the house was just not the best solution, so she took them to an early dinner and got them Carvel (who doesn't love Carvel?! Well, besides Mike...). We were able to go through the house with the realtor and share what things we plan on getting done once Mike is finished with classes and we get back from the wedding/vacation.
Megan came home with the kids and we settle in. Everyone has had such a long day that we decide just to relax for a bit...
I, Jenna, have been fighting off a cold and am winning thus far, though my lack of sleep isn't helping at the moment. Either way, Megan had a couple kids in her lap and I was working on getting our newsletter finished while in my own little world when I hear Megan ask, "Jenna...where is Miah? She was sitting on my lap but got up a couple minutes ago." So, I go in the kitchen and realize that someone forgot to CLOSE THE BATHROOM DOOR. Miah has a fascination with the toilet, so we don't typically give her the option of being near it unless she is sitting on it with some supervision.

THIS is what I found...

Bless her little heart...where do you even begin?! What you can't see in the picture is the toilet paper that was piled next to her...I took these while Megan ran to get a towel...some moments are too priceless not to capture on camera...

Needless to say, she got another bath...

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