Friday, July 31, 2009

Wedding and Family :)

Well, after my sister-in-law went back home to NC with her two boys AND ours, we were able to get a TON done around the house! We have had so many people step up and offer assistance with watching kids, wallpapering, taking off wallpaper and painting. It looks like some hedges were trimmed and beds weeded, too, while we were gone.

We got home last night after a long drive at about 1am. We had a great time in NC :) Juan and Natalya (Mike's sister) got married on Saturday. Mike performed his second wedding (the first being his other sister Megan's)! We'll have to post some pictures.

While we were there, without sharing too much, we got some of the money needed for this next year! We are doing our best to get all of our expenses down and stretch it as far as possible. We are so grateful for family and friends who share in this with us and want to extend our thank know who you are. ;)

Now that we are home, we are working on continuing to pack and live in suitcase mode! One of the elders at church is organizing a work day here tomorrow so we can get the porches painted and some more cleaning and de-cluttering!

Mike leaves in less than a month for his first rotation in Youngstown, OH. We have a better idea of where Jenna and the kids will be living for at least a few months, but haven't solidified anything, so we'll share more when we have things certain. :)

Hope everyone is well!

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