Monday, September 28, 2009

One down, eight to go!!!

Hello, all!

It has been a busy few weeks here with school starting and all, but I wanted to post and let everyone know how things are going!

Mike finished his first rotation in Ohio last Friday! I can't believe that it has been a month already, but it has. He had a great rotation. The Dr. said he had a very good knowledge base and from day one sent him in to examine patients (before he would listen to Mike's assessment and go in himself, of course!).

His next rotation is in Gettysburg and we're still praying he is able to find cheaper housing there, but trusting that it will be provided for if it isn't found! ;) He leaves this coming Sunday and starts this next one Monday (Internal Medicine).

We are so humbled and blessed to see how creatively God has been providing. It seems it is never in the ways we thought or imagined it would come, but each time something comes up, the provision is there. It is so awesome to see God do His thing amidst this confusing world...what an anchor to cling to ;) Mike and I began a journal of sorts for how God is providing and it has been so neat to add to the list of gifts, big and small (even a meal here and there...thanks, Angela! ;)). We have successfully pared down to the minimum costs and are kind of enjoying this crazy adventure!

A HUGE blessing, Lord willing it all goes through smoothly, is the Duttons house sold and will be closing in October! We are trusting God to provide above and beyond for them and bless them in the way they blessed us in allowing us to live in their beautiful home for 3 years...can't wait to hear how He does it! :D

Again, I hope to put more pictures up, but here are few to share from our "new place!"

Okay, so it isn't clean-looking as I have zucchini coming out my ears and a few dishes to put away, but this is our kitchen (where the magic happens! ;)).

...and our table (to the left of the sink...). The room is twice the size of the two posted pictures with my bed on the opposite side! :D A very large room, indeed!

Hope this finds everyone well and I will post more soon!

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