Tuesday, November 10, 2009

THIRD rotation!!!

It is so hard to believe how quickly time is passing...

Mike finished an AMAZING rotation, where he did his Internal Medicine. He loved it and the Doctor was awesome to work with. I can say, beaming for him, he was told he was the best student the Doctor ever had. Now, those of you who know Mike and can picture him in a room taking care of a patient won't find that hard to imagine, but I was pretty stinkin' proud anyway! He will make an amazing clinician...

He finished that (which was in Gettysburg), took his tests and is now in Scranton doing his Psych rotation. Seems to be going well so far! Before we know it it will be Thanksgiving and then he'll be done shortly after until Christmas! The first of the year will begin his surgical rotation and he will be close enough that he will be able to stay at home! I am, of course, very excited about this one!!! He is unsure, but there is a small possibility that the one after that he may commute as well, but we're still trying to figure it out as the free goverment-funded housing is no longer...well...government funded! So...we shall see...

Life back on the homefront is going well. I'm kept busy every day and try to get myself out of the house here and there! Creative Arts is in full swing and we are less than a month away from the production, so we're pretty busy getting props, making tabrets, rehearsing and rehearsing. The kids are fairing well with all of it, though the dragging them from place to place gets a little tedious. I'm sure I would be bored, though, if I wasn't keeping myself busy and out of the house! One can only clean and watch it be undone so many times before she gets utterly discouraged! ;)

Micaiah is doing well with school. She has really done a great job at looking at her work for the day and doing it quickly. She's been reading to her siblings, which is just amazing and so sweet to watch!

Elias is practicing his writing and we're teaching him to read, slowly, but surely.

Toben and Miah are just...forces to be reckoned with!!! They both make messes daily, as my facebook followers can attest to! Miah has learned to open the refrigerator, as if she couldn't get into enough already! One can only be on top of both of them at once for so long before crashing... ;) They are very fun and lovey and sweet, at the end of the day, despite their ability to get into things I only ever dreamed of as a child!

Anyhow...we are consistently humbled by God's timely provisions. Each step of the way, the needs have been met...the peace continues to reign in that, for which we offer no explanation other than a peace that transcends understanding! :) God is good and we are faith-walking and it is awesome to see what God does when we trust Him.

Blessings to each of you and I'll try to be better about posting!

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